Manila rope (twisted)

In this category you may order twisted manila ropes made of hard fibres of the leaves of banana tree. Manila is a pure natural fibre obtained from the leaf sheaths (abacá leaves) of musa plant(banana tree). The manila fibres are relatively coarse, have high tensile strength and are resistant to salt water. Slightly oily nature of the fibres makes manila ropes antistatic, water repellent and much more weathering-resistant than other ropes made of natural fibres.

  • 100% raw natural fibres
  • Salt water resistant
  • Water-repellent, strength loss due to humidity: 0%
  • Abrasion resistance: very good
  • Tensile strength: very good
  • Breaking stretch: <8%
  • Low stretching
  • Not resistant to strong acids
  • Antistatic
  • Rots outdoors (very slow rotting process)
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Renewable material

Manila ropes are used wherever moisture and salt water resistance in required. Moreover, thanks to its antistatic properties, manila ropes reduce possible sparking due to the electric charging. Therefore, manila ropes are still being used in production of helicopter safety nets, in shipping and mining industry.

Horticulture, landscaping, model, design, ambience, window dressing, shipping, industrial, rope etc...

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