Hemp Rope, Natural Hemp Rope (twisted)

In this category you may order twisted hemp ropes made of high-quality fine hemp yarns. The industrial hemp is one of the oldest cultivated crops and is being processed in ropery for many centuries. The hemp fibres are being extracted from the raffia of the industrial hemp plants and processed into yarns. High breaking load is achieved due to relatively long individual fibres. The advantage of this rope, which makes it very appreciated, is very low stretching, robustness, being grippy and abrasion resistance.

  • Abrasion resistance: very good
  • Strength loss due to humidity: 0% (very good)
  • Breaking stretch: <8%
  • Fire retardant
  • Heat resistant
  • Subsequent impregnation with fire retardant is possible
  • Subsequent dyeing is possible (for example with textile dye)
  • Not resistant to strong acids
  • Not floatable in water
  • Knots in wet ropes are difficult to loose
  • Skin friendly
  • Non-slip surface
  • Dimensionally stable
  • Environmental friendly, renewable material

Twisted hemp ropes were formerly used mainly for static loads. Nowadays hemp ropes are mostly used wherever environmentally friendliness, abrasion resistance, heat resistance or skin friendliness are in the foreground, for example: horticulture, landscaping, modelling, design, window dressing, photo shooting, labelling, maritime sailing, rigging on traditional boats and sailing ships, industry, construction, sealing rope, traction rope, horse rope, climbing rope, sport rope, handrail rope, safety rope, control rope in theatres, training rope, gymnastics rope, equipment of cages at zoos, bird cages, pet cages, interior design etc...

Diameter Breaking load Construction Lengths
ø5mm 130 daN(kg) 3-strand By the meter, 220m
ø6mm 285 daN(kg) 3-strand By the meter, 220m
ø8mm 450 daN(kg) 4-strand By the meter, 220m
ø10mm 700 daN(kg) 4-strand By the meter, 220m
ø12mm 1080 daN(kg) 4-strand By the meter, 220m
ø14mm 1375 daN(kg) 4-strand By the meter, 220m
ø16mm 1825 daN(kg) 4-strand By the meter, 220m
ø18mm 2250 daN(kg) 4-strand By the meter, 220m
ø20mm 2780 daN(kg) 4-strand By the meter, 220m
ø22mm 3240 daN(kg) 4-strand By the meter, 220m
ø24mm 3980 daN(kg) 4-strand By the meter, 220m
ø26mm 4600 daN(kg) 4-strand By the meter, 220m
ø28mm 5410 daN(kg) 4-strand By the meter, 220m
ø30mm 6180 daN(kg) 4-strand By the meter, 220m
ø36mm 8560 daN(kg) 4-strand By the meter, 220m
ø40mm 9980 daN(kg) 4-strand By the meter, 220m
ø50mm 14100 daN(kg) 4-strand By the meter, 110m, 220m
ø60mm 21000 daN(kg) 4-strand By the meter, 110m, 220m

Your desired product is not listed in our online shop? We can offer you a customised solution. In this case, we have the required rope manufactured specifically according to your requirements. The prerequisite is the purchase of at least one machine set per desired variant of the product. The delivery time for these customised orders is usually approximately two to three weeks.

We happily take care of your need for manual assembly as well. We can cut the rope to the lengths you require and provide additional ropework. Decorative knots, individual splices and whippings, special packaging and labelling can also be ordered from us. These services can be provided even in large quantities.

Please feel free to send us your enquiry now! We take the time to listen to you and answer your questions. We see each individual request of our customers as a challenge which we seek to meet. Through established partnerships with selected rope manufacturers, our many years of experience, efficiency, and flexibility, we are able to deliver on that promise.

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